Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"You love what you do, but you should probably quit."

You love what you do, but you should probably quit. I just love running our front desk on busy weekends. I love welcoming guests, the ring of the register, the classic jokes with the kiddos about getting lost. It is quintessentially Maize Quest season for me. Unfortunately, I need to quit.

You probably love to bake pies or run the doughnut machine or the ribbon fry fryer
or the BBQ smoker. I bet you're really good at it! You are probably the BEST at it. However, you too need to qui

Quitters are the real winners. We all have our reasons for holding on to our jobs, some are good reasons (such as we're really good at it and it's really important); some are less good reasons (such as, employees can't bother us while we're with guests, or the smoker is a great place to hide and act busy when we don't feel like talking to people anymore).

We have to face the facts that our real, true and best position as the leader of the organization is to be the leader, not just another employee. You need to quit your 'job' and lead.

Create your maximum value. Andy Stanley says, "You should do what only you are best at doing, and delegate the rest." Your maximum value comes from making sure that everyone else is doing the very best they can to serve your guests. It does not, and I argue CANNOT, come from performing a 'job' function someone else can do.

Delegate the tasks, execute evangelism.
You can't delegate passion and spreading your passion, evangelizing for your farm and business is your real job. This can be to the 'universe' like when you are pitching PR sources or to your guests on-site as they enjoy their day. You are the evangelist for your business. It's just hard to be the evangelist and hold down a 'job' at the same time.

So quit already. Andy
Stanly again,"If you are doing a task that could be done by someone else who works for minimum wage (i.e. less than your hourly rate), you are actually STEALING from the company!"

You heard me:
You are stealing from the company
if you are doing menial, hourly work someone else could do cheaper, because you are SO VALUABLE as the evangelist!

You love what you do, but you should probably quit.
IThe season, take that leap and quit your 'job', so you can find a 'higher calling' as your business' evangelist.

The more people you 'convert', the more profits you'll reap.
Take it from a 'quitter'!

Have a great week.

PS Hayride Audio Systems have a 2-3 week lead time. If you want them for October ORDER NOW!

PPS If you want to make it easy for groups to book your school tours and parties online, check out our online booking system at See it in action on our home website at

PPPS If you missed the "Goal without a plan is a wish" live event, we recorded it for you to view anytime!

Reach us at:

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